Sunday, August 31, 2008


Work today was terrible. There was just me and andrea working and normally there should be three people. And since Andrea works with the news papers on sunday night the jobs of two people quickly fall onto me. I started falling behind at an early stage which gradually pulled me back and back. You see, at nights it normally takes two people an hour and a half to brush and mop the entire floor. Now, minus the additional person - making it difficult on the one person, then tell him he has half an hour less to do it then remind them that he also needs to clear out his till (normally takes 10 minutes) and also tell him everything needs brought in from the front (another 10 minutes) so basically, i had HALF the man power and 50minutes less time to do 4 jobs.


I just screamed so i feel better - slightly.

Now i need to complete a Ucas application which is supposedly very time consuming. I also need to get all my uniform all prepared for tomorrow going back to school and i must also prepare a packed lunch and gather my lost books together. And on top of that im expected to have an early night in preparation for starting back...

Nelson is not happy. I shall retire to my chamber and hope that this period of utter confusion and 'uber' stess passes without difficulty

c y'all later :)

Friday, August 15, 2008

Almost forgot the quiz

Amber tagged me to do this quiz so i just thought id do it now while i can:

1.What disappoints you the most?
Crushed dreams

2.Where would you go if someone sponsors u an air ticket?
if i was guarantied a bed and all the rest I'd go to...hmm...where would i go? Maybe New Jersy to see some of the filming locations of the sopranos.

3.Whats your favorite things to do?
Walking with amber, talking with amber, taking pictures with OR without amber, earning lots of money, buying lucn hfor other ppl (makes me feel charitable)

4.Do you think money can buy you happiness?
Not specifically, but it can buy things that do =P

5.If you had one dream to come true,what will it be?
long life, fun job, loving family, many kids

6.Do you believe in love at first sight?
Generally yea - but it'd probably be very hard to recognize and differentiate between that and infatuation

7.What are u afraid to lose?

8.If you win one million,what would you do?
Invest - buy over a major profiting business as expand it and skim off the profits and then sell the business for THREE million :D

9.What do you dream of doing in future?
Something in the way of media

10.What do you want most right now?
Amber :(

11.Do you believe in fate?
well i watch star wars, the force controls my fate :P

12.What do you think it is the most important in your life?
I quote amber here: "My family, friends, health, emotional wellbeing." and my lovelife

13.Who are the ones that can make you very happy when you're super upset no matter when?
Amber. IF its concerning amber and shes not around probably emma. Then if i dont need sympathy but just to rant elicia :p

14.If you have a chance to choose, would you like to come back in time?
If i could temporarily go back and change things then come forward again - there's alot of mistakes id correct.

15.What is the thing you'd want to do before dying?
Sell ALL my stuff and see that the money goes to my wife, kids, and the NCDL or Dogs Trust or whatever its called now

16.What is the stupidest thing you have done?
taken things for granted

17.How do you feel when someone important ignores you?
Hurt, cut, upset. Then, after that, annoyed.

18.What you like most about earth?
The se or seaside. I love the noise of crashing waves - its so sensual.

19.Have you ever liked a person until you are willing to die for him or her?
Yea, but would depend on the circumstances

20. Do you think long relationships are good or bad?
Good, assuming they end well. Alls well that ends well =P

Enjoy reading that folks :)

whats that nelson? u enjoyed it too? good good

talk soon


I am headachy. Whatever way my sleep patterns have drastically changed by day, along with the results of my AS-Levels being a huge emotional let down, along with my driving lesson today which i forgot to take my medication before hand and 60% of whatever he said i didn't actually acknowledge. Then i got home, after horrendous traffic, and watched tv for a bit. Then i came here and began writing this and it has just occurred to me now that i haven't had lunch -.- most likely another contributing factor.

May go and get lunch soon, my mum bought more supernoodles which i absolutely love. Especially when amber makes them. ON the few occasions when i have been at her house early enough in the morning for her to be making supernoodles she always makes me some - along with ham or bacon or something, and mushrooms and most often a poached egg on the side :D

yeeeehawwwww :D :D ryan is now happy on account of the prospect of having noodles


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The confrontation and aftermath

Went out again this afternoon and we were walking through the fields getting some lovely GV shots (general view) basically shots of the surrounding area and so on. We were constantly being watched by apparent farmers and a particular red Land Rover which the farmer was driving earlier kept passing us. We got back into the car and decided they weren't going to come out for a while so we headed down to the nearby beach in the hope of getting pictures of surfers in the sea. We headed on down the road then pulled over and decided it would be too risky to abandon our post and we turned around and headed back again. On our way back we noticed that the gate leading to SJP's driveway was partly open – something we were sure wasn't the case when we had previously passed it. We looked on the opposite side of the road and up a long lane and there was a small group of people. I mentioned to dad that maybe they were among them. He checked with the binoculars and sure enough there was Sarah Jessica Parker, husband Matthew Broderick, and their 5-year-old son James Wilkie. We turned around and slowly drove passed, our cameras clicking furiously and the couple – who it later became evident were heading out for a picnic – started scuttling back down the lane towards their holiday home. Sarah grabbed her son's hand and pulled him along briskly. They headed up the road with us slowly following them in the car, snapping away the whole time. In hindsight, we should have overtaken them and got shots from the front because many of the pictures we shot were of backs of heads. They headed up their driveway and, despite us not even having any intentions of following them up their private road, the red Land Rover that we had sighted many times before actually suddenly appeared, darted in front of us and parked right inbetween the two gate posts making sure that we didn't try and follow them.
The job however was a success, we had pictures of the couple together which matched the criteria we were given.
On a personal note, i did feel hugely guilty afterwards as the couple had come along way to solve their marital difficulties, they had planned out a fun family picnic up in a nearby field and on their way up we showed up and they had to completely cancel their plans and taking their son by the hand scurry back to the cottage.
I would upload pictures but Im getting paid for them so i shall upload them once the magazine that is buying them publishes them. Not before then. Should be in the magazine next Tuesday though. And in a month or so I'll have a nice healthy paycheque ;)

SJP - my first paparazzi experience

The following i typed in the car at 10.36 this morning. Since then all i have done is copied and pasted it so despite it being posted at a later time it is all written to the knowledge and attitudes i had during the actual time:

Now here i am, sitting at the top of a driveway-on-a-hill casually yet secretly surveying the Irish holiday home of Sex and the City actress Sarah Jessica Parker and her husband Matthew Broderick.
It began a few days ago when i visited Dublin to visit my sister for a few days then spend a few days with my dad afterwards. During the first afternoon of being with my sister my dad called and said he needed assistance on a job in Donegal (3 and a half hours drive away) so we met up and headed straight for Donegal that afternoon in the hope of being their by the evening to check in the hotel and be well rested for the following morning when the job would begin.
The job description, after giving us inaccurate directions, said that we had to go to the holiday home of Sarah Jessica Parker to photograph her with her husband whenever they leave the house as it became apparent in another magazine we read later that SJP and her husband were in Donegal on holiday to try and reconcile some marital difficulties.
Yesterday, the first day of the job, there wasn't a single sighting of them – apart from late last night when we surveyed houses in the general area to find which house was actually theirs. We had been given directions to their house which in the end we found, but according to a picture in a magazine of the couples house the house was actually a few doors away from the one we had been directed to. It was therefore a necessity to undergo a covert operation in the dead of night to actually find out which house we were supposed to stakeout. We went first to the house in the magazine which, after a possible hour of running around the fields full of sheep crap we finally discovered wasn't in fact the house and the magazine had got it wrong.
Earlier in the day though my dad had got a call from another press agency also requesting he take pictures for them. He was already working for one employer on the same job though so any pictures he took would have been sent to his employer and not the agency. After careful deliberation he decided to give them my name and say that I too was in the area with him and since i hadn't been employed by the employers I could quite easily submit my pictures to them. I now have to make the decision between either a set payment for the job or 50/50 of what i make. If i choose the set payment – i will get £150 for this job regardless of whether or not i get pictures and any pictures i do get i will have to submit to them and they have full rights to them – meaning if i get a blinder of a picture they could make thousands from it and i still will have only got £150. The other one, the 50/50 deal, means that if i don't get any pictures at all – ie. if they don't leave their house today at all i won't get any pictures and will therefore get nothing. I think i may go for the former, the £150 deal because that means that no matter what happens between now and this evening i will come out with something.
They also offered to pay me per day if i stay the rest of the week but that means that i will miss my AS-Level results and a driving lesson on Friday but in the process I'll make an extra £300 – i really don't want to miss the opportunity but i guess i cant miss my AS-Level results.