So here's to my first round of the best game in the world..."Remember Everything Good You've Done Since Last Week." So it is as a token of thanks that i offer this circumlocutory declamation.
Well, erm....*thinks deeply in silence*
Oh, last weekend was really significant so ill talk most about that. I took part in photographing a Burma Peace Rally in O'Connell Street in Dublin. The people of Dublin had gathered to offer their support to the brave peoples of Burma who are protesting for democracy. I took many good pictures but as I was only helping my dad, very few of them were considered. When he emailed away 5 of his pictures to the agency he works for, however, he emailed away 3 of mine also. These are shown below....
Much to my misfortune, none of these showed up in the newspapers the following day. My dad managed to get one on the front cover of The Sunday Times though. Taking up a quarter of the page, and being the only picture n the cover, gave him something to smile about.
After that i went with him while he photographed the Irish President Mary Macaleese attending the 300th anniversary service of a Church of Ireland. I acquired minimal amusement from this as we could clearly see that there was no place she'd rather be less than there. My dad took a brilliant picture of her scowling at the black doorman, leading to mine and his discussion on the way home as to whether or not she was secretly a clandestine racist, Did she only attend the meeting for publicity within the church, and isn't she the owner of a self-centred attitude and is stuck-up, overly pride-full, and who has an opinion of inferiority for everyone but herself, especially those of ethnic origin? Baa...that was a big long question.
Anyway, later the next day I went out for lunch with my dad and one of his friends. Here I learned, in a conversation not even directed to me, that my dad plans on moving to Dubai next year. This came as a shock as he had clearly thought it over, and it was obviously premeditated, and the first time i hear about it he is actually talking to his friend. I ask myself questions, "was i meant to hear?", "was he going to tell me anytime soon?", "how long has he been planning this?", "does he know what effect him saying that has had on my emotional and psychological stability?". I guess/hope (delete were appropriate) all will be answered in good time.
I went home that evening to find that no-one had seen or heard from my brother in up to three days. *Bang* - it hit me like a train. It couldn't have hit me harder if it actually was a train. I start panicking...its the moment that i have nightmares about. My head spins and suddenly I find myself in a state of dizziness and supreme nausea. I feel faint, and the headache that ensues my dizziness is unbelievably averse. I return home and talk to people on msn, revealing them more of the negative points of my weekend as opposed to the good. They seem very supportive though, which is a benefit of helping people emotionally as much as I do...they're always keen to repay you.
This last week has been HUGELY confusing. With school work being mixed around, friendships being blown out then re-lit, people liking and trusting me then abusing me in an audacious act of vexation. It has the powerful ability to undermine anyone's emotional stability, but thankfully to a few good people, mine has been retained thus far. But it has enlightened me, however, as to the grim finish beneath the glossy veneer of adolescent life.
We (here meaning: me, my occupational therapist, and my parents) have succeeded in our gallant attempts to acquire the acquiescence for me to use a laptop for all my classes in school. It has been beneficial, as on Tuesday i had 8 periods in private study i set about working on a report for a play i saw to weeks ago, that was due in today. I later learned that, with the use of a laptop, i managed to write 2,786 words...which made me near choke as I was so shocked at how much there was. I remember last year spending about a week planning and doing a 600 worded English essay...well my theatre studies report has surpassed any GCSE coursework I've ever handed in, and maybe as I'm starting to suspect, all of them put together as well.
Wow, I've written a lot in this last period, as the bell is now ringing, marking the end of the first of two periods. BREAK TIME!!! brb lol.
Back lol, break was good...the sun was too bright though, couldn't see.
Now...were was I. Oh yes, my theatre studies report. I hope its included all the necessary points that I needed to include as opposed to just being 2,786 words of sheer verbal verbal diarrhoea.
Now I sit hear listening to Pipe and Brass bands playing Highland Cathedral...a hymn i remember from my mums wedding when she married my step-dad Harry. The bagpipe player at the wedding was sufficient, but its fair to say the song doesn't sound the same unless played by a number of people playing bagpipes with an additional band to go along with that. Brilliant tune though, very inspirational.
I have history next :(:( don't like it very much...very boring. My favourite subject would have to be theatre studies, quite simple because we ALWAYS have a laugh at sum point during the lesson. We often find ourselves debating about various things as well. Eg. Half the class is vegetarian, so I take great delight in terrorising them, telling them exactly how rare i like to eat my steak. Then there's English LIt. which i quite enjoy. Not because I enjoy reading...but because unlike the vast majority of the population I love writing, and there's lots of it to do in English. I like it mainly because i apparently) have a talent for maundering with rather considerable verbosity. :-). What iss the point in being laconic? It doesn't achieve anything.
I just used the dictionary application on my laptop and entered 'blog':
a Web site on which an individual or group of users produces an ongoing narrative
hmm..."ongoing". That means continuous, ceaseless, unfaltering, endless, and none-the-less unremitting. What madness drove me to consider carrying out such an unnecessary and perpetual act of sheer superfluousness? Oh yes, that's right, I remember that people are supposedly to come on and read this. Well folks, i can tell you...if you manage to get to this part of my entry, well done :). Because its been fun writing it...and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much. Hopefully it wont take as long though.
But now as this 2nd period draws to an end, i must finish up and say my fairwells. Cheerio for now, I'll try posting as often as I can from now on.
Bubi xx
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