Monday, May 12, 2008


In a valiant attempt at keeping this blog active - I have decided to post yet again :D

I had a fairly enjoyable day today. On one of my days off it is always enjoyable to wake up at 6.45am and go to school for the hell of it (okok, that was sarcastic) but it was definitely worth it as when I got to school I encountered an Amber that was very cheerful but couldn't bring herself to look it. PMT i think (HAHA i mean Pre-Module Tension - not the other thing) she was doing one of her modules in computing. Meanwhile, i got to sit about in common room watching The Sopranos until amber's exam finished. She came back afterwards looking very relieved and we sorta chatted for maybe an hour :p then we watched the rest of Knocked Up which we started watching a long time ago and have now finally finished. Luckily, she remained awake during it teehee.
Spent the rest of the day traveling home along my normal route which took seemingly longer than normal. Must be the heat.
Anyways, now I sit here typing this new post on my blog and amber is on the phone to me asking the difference between moaning and groaning. Better go and get dictionary to see if there is actualy a difference...

ohoh, picture:

This is a picture i took on work experience. It shows forensic detective people about to enter a house on the subsequent morning of a brutal murder; in which men with hatchets stormed in and butchered the man in his bed in front of his heavily pregnant wife, who fell into labour only 2 hours after his death. In this picture, the forensic detective can be seen with a police 'crimestoppers' van in the foreground.


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